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Home › TLRI research › Research completed › Post school sector › Teachers learning mathematics: professional development researchTeachers learning mathematics: professional development research
Funding year:
1 year
Auckland UniServices
Post school sector
Project start date:
January 2007
Project end date:
January 2008
Principal investigator(s):
Bill Barton
Research team members:
Judy Paterson
Research partners:
Eight secondary teachers from eight different schools in the Auckland region, Deborah Ball, The University of Michigan; and Anne Watson, Oxford University
Project Description
The issue of mathematical knowledge of teachers has been documented in New Zealand for 80 years. For example, the 2004 New Zealand Ministry of Education Teacher Census showed that 25 percent of secondary mathematics teachers had no university mathematics qualification—a rise from 21 percent in 1977.
This one-year study aimed to investigate the development of teachers’ own mathematical knowledge for teaching. Seven secondary teachers from the Auckland region each developed some aspect of their mathematical knowledge. Two external researchers supported the teachers and facilitated reporting.
Barton, B., & Paterson, J. (2009). Teachers learning mathematics: Professional development research. Summary. Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 75.69 KB
Barton, B., & Paterson, J. (2009). Teachers learning mathematics: Professional development research. Final report. Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 471.31 KB