Effective teaching in different cultural contexts: A comparative analysis of language, culture, and pedagogy

Funding year: 
2 years
Auckland UniServices
School sector
Project start date: 
January 2004
Project end date: 
January 2006
Principal investigator(s): 
Tanya Wendt Samu
Research team members: 
Leonie Pihama, Tupeni Baba, and Trish Stoddart
Research partners: 
The International Research Institute for Maori and Indigenous Education (IRI), Centre for Pacific Studies, and the School of Education at The University of Auckland

Project Description

The project proposal noted the key aim of the research project as being: to analyse a range of teaching practices for Māori and Pasifika students in Auckland city schools and conduct a comparative analysis of the teaching and learning of these students in classrooms that focus on Māori and Pasifika language and culture with classrooms where instructional practices focus on mainstreaming, and there is no, or limited input, of Māori and Pasifika language and cultural instruction. (Stoddart, Pihama, & Baba, 2003, p. 2) Furthermore, the research sought to extend the current understanding of effective generic teaching practices by identifying the context-specific and general principles of effective teaching practice for Years 7 and 8 Māori and Pasifika pupils.