Tā Mātou Rōpu | Our Team


Since its inception in 2003, the TLRI has been managed and administered by Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa, the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER).

NZCER’s role is to:

  • provide leadership and operational implementation
  • build awareness of the TLRI and its research programmes and results
  • implement quality-assurance policies and processes for the TLRI
  • create opportunities for building research capability in teaching and learning for researchers and practitioners.

To contact any of our team, email: tlri@nzcer.org.nz

Heleen Visser – Tumu Rangahau | General Manager

Sheridan McKinley – Tumu Rangahau Māori | General Manager Māori

Davina Hunt – Project Leader & Kairangahau | Researcher

Amanda White –  Kairangahau |  Researcher

Jackson Rowe-Williams – Kairangahau Matua | Senior Researcher

Mailyn Webb – Kaiwhakarite Kaupapa | Programme Co-ordinator

James Beavis – Kaitohu Mahi Papaho, Mahi Tauhokohoko | Communications and Marketing Advisor

David Ellis – He Kaiwhakatā Pukapuka | Publisher

John Huria – Kaiētita Matua | Senior Editor

Tony Intemann – Matanga Punaha Hangarau Mohiohio | IT Systems Specialist

I Whakaputaina Inakuanei |
Recently Published

Hoana McMillan, Linda Mitchell, Tiria Shaw, Heather Patu, Abigail Parekura, Jannalee Hano Tihema, Victoria Urlich, and Kamorah Shaw
Linda Mitchell, Bronwen Cowie, Raella Kahuroa, and Hoana McMillan

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