Ngā Rangahau Huarahi Tuwhera | Open Pathway Research

Established in 2003, by Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa | the New Zealand Government the TLRI is a fund for collaborative research between researchers and practitioners that aligns with current and future priorities for teaching and learning in early childhood education, school and tertiary sectors.

It aims to create new knowledge to complement and address gaps in existing knowledge, build research capabilities and lead to an improvement in outcomes for learners in Aotearoa New Zealand.

At the bottom of this page you can find the Latest Research funded through the Open Pathway or visit our Pacific Research and Kaupapa Māori research pages. Browse our archive of All projects or search via keywords at the top of the page.

Latest Open Pathway Research

Linda Mitchell, Bronwen Cowie, Raella Kahuroa, and Hoana McMillan
(Completed – 2024)
Emit Snake-Beings, Andrew Gibbons, and Ricardo Sosa
(Completed – 2024)
Maurice M. W. Cheng, Bronwen Cowie, Chloe Stantiall, Nick Bryant, and Natalie Thompson
(Completed – 2024)
Missy Morton, Anne-Marie McIlroy, and Jude MacArthur
(Completed – 2024)
Sashi Sharma, Phil Doyle, Daniel Kumar, and Louis Marcelo
(Completed – 2024)
Adrian Schoone, Judy Bruce, Eileen Piggot-Irvine, and Hana Turner-Adams
(Completed – 2024)
Kay-Lee Jones, David Pomeroy, Nathan Riki and Sara Tolbert
(Commenced – 2022)

I Whakaputaina Inakuanei |
Recently Published

Hoana McMillan, Linda Mitchell, Tiria Shaw, Heather Patu, Abigail Parekura, Jannalee Hano Tihema, Victoria Urlich, and Kamorah Shaw
Linda Mitchell, Bronwen Cowie, Raella Kahuroa, and Hoana McMillan

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