All projects

Author Title Yearsort ascending
Elizabeth Schaughency and Elaine Reese (University of Otago) Supporting Teaching and Learning in Home-Based Early Childhood Education 2019
E. Jayne White Age-responsive pedagogies: ‘Preschool’ ECE teachers interrogate their dialogues with and about two-year-olds 2019
Noeline Wright and Rachel McNae An Architecture of Ownership: Students and teachers forging agentic identities in an innovative learning environment 2019
Jane Furness and Judy Hunter Using a wellbeing framework to recognise, value and enhance the broad range of outcomes for learners in adult literacy and numeracy programmes 2019
Chris Eames, University of Waikato and Claudio Aguayo, Auckland University of Technology Using mobile learning in free-choice educational settings to enhance ecological literacy 2019
Dr Caroline Yoon and John Moala Making mathematical thinking visible 2018
Assoc. Professor Lexie Grudnoff Teaching for Equity: How do we do it? 2018
Associate Professor Roseanna Bourke, Massey University and Professor John O'Neill, Massey University The impact of children’s everyday learning on teaching and learning in classrooms and across schools 2018
Dr Daphne Rickson The Relationship between Participation in Singing Programmes and Student Well-Being in a Christchurch Primary School 2018
Professor Martin East Enhancing the intercultural capability of students of additional languages in New Zealand’s intermediate schools 2018
Professor Judy Parr and Dr Murray Gadd Generating positive outcomes by Year 5 to 8 priority learners in writing: An inquiry into effective teacher practice 2018
Dr Amanda Bateman Literacy and narrative in the early years: Zooming in and zooming out 2017
Keryn Davis and Ruta McKenzie Nurturing and encouraging young children’s identity, language and culture in the early years 2017
Dr Lesley Rameka Te Whatu Kete Matauranga: Weaving Māori and Pasifika infant and toddler theory and practice in early childhood education 2017
Dr Aaron Wilson Talking about text: Changing patterns of discourse in low-decile secondary classrooms 2017
Dr Bronwyn Wood Creating active citizens? Interpreting, implementing and assessing ‘personal social action’ in NCEA social studies 2017
Assoc. Professor Garry Falloon Exploring student thinking and problem solving in iPad-supported learning environments 2017
Dr Nigel Calder Enhancing teaching and learning of primary mathematics through the use of apps. 2017
Dr Mira Peter and Dr Elaine Khoo Reengineering an engineering course: How flipped classrooms afford transformative teaching, learning, and workplace competency 2017
Beverley Cooper and Bronwen Cowie Strengthening mathematical thinking and reasoning proficiency in primary teacher education: Leveraging the potential of a system innovation 2017
Dr Sydney J. Shep Moving beyond the Threshold: Investigating Digital Literacies and Historical Thinking in New Zealand Universities 2016
Bill Barton Capturing learning in undergraduate mathematics 2016
Marilyn Gwilliam Summer reading to overcome the summer effect: a partnership between a school, a library and the school community 2016
Dr Azra Moeed Beyond play: Learning through science investigation 2016
Dr Mihi Ratima Te Kura Mai i Tawhiti: He Tau Kawekaweā: Building the foundation for whanau educational success and wellbeing; a Kaupapa Māori ECE approach 2016
