All projects

Author Title Yearsort ascending
Dr Sashi Sharma Statistics is boring … because it makes you think! 2011
Dr Kathrin Otrel-Cass Augmenting primary teaching and learning science through ICT 2011
Jan Bolton and Dr Joanna Higgins Arts e-learning and the online specialist teacher: Increasing opportunities for quality student outcomes 2011
Margaret Carr Learning Wisdom 2010
Jenny Ritchie Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning 2010
Nick Zepke Learning environments and student engagement with their learning in tertiary settings 2010
Mike Thomas The transition from secondary to tertiary education in mathematics 2010
Dr Mei Kuin Lai Sustainability of effective teaching and school practices developing a model for sustaining and extending literacy achievement 2010
Kogi Naidoo Unlocking student learning: The impact of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Initiatives on first-year university students 2009
Dr Airini Success for all: improving Maori and Pasifika student success in degree-level studies 2009
Glenda Anthony Mathematics classrooms: Explorations into the teaching/learning nexus 2009
Dr Judith Duncan Homebased early childhood education (family day care) - The Visiting Teacher’s role in improving Educators’ practices 2009
Dr Elizabeth McKinley and Dr Barbara Grant Teaching and learning in the supervision of Maori doctoral students 2009
Jeanette Clarkin-Phillips Strengthening Responsive and Reciprocal Relationships in a Whānau Tangata Centre: an Action Research Project 2009
Dr Chris Eames Investigating the relationship between whole-school approaches to education for sustainability and student learning. 2009
Terry Locke Teaching literature in the multicultural classroom 2009
Elaine Mayo Researching Understanding of Learning and Teaching (RULT): a case study in using practice-based research to develop a school-wide learning community 2009
Richard Coll An exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learning in New Zealand tertiary educational institutions 2009
Michael Denny A School for the 21st Century: Researching the impact of changing teacher practice on student learning 2009
Luanna Meyer Valid and practical tertiary assessment of student learning outcomes 2009
Dr Margaret Carr Key Learning Competencies Across Place and Time 2008
Kelly Gibson-van-Marrewijk Addressing obstacles to success: Improving student completion, retention, and achievement in science modules in applied health programmes, with particular attention to Maori 2008
Dr Jenny Ritchie and Dr Cheryl Rau Te Puawaitanga: Partnerships with tamariki and whānau in bicultural early childhood care and education 2008
Dr Judy Parr Measuring classroom literacy practice 2008
Tracey Hooker Training on the job: How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond? 2008
