Early Years review 2010
These papers were produced as part of a series of reviews to explore how the TLRI is contributing to knowledge building about teaching and learning, what else it could be doing and what its future priorities should be. As part of the review process, a group of leading early childhood researchers got together in November 2010 for a symposium to discuss the papers and look to the future. A summary paper of the day is also available.
Associate Professor Joce Nuttall, Principal Research Fellow from the Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne.
Anne Meade
Anne Meade Associates, Wellington
TLRI Early Years Symposium: A summary - pdf - 87.94 KB
The contribution of the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative to building knowledge about teaching and learning: A review of early years projects, 2004 – 2010 - pdf - 195.52 KB
The contribution of ECE Centres of Innovation to building knowledge about teaching and learning 2003-2010 - pdf - 277.28 KB