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NZCER is an independent educational research organisation that conducts research and provides research-based knowledge, advice, products, and services to everyone with an interest in education NZARE - New Zealand Association for Research in Education MORST - Ministry of Research, Science and Technology RSNZ - Royal Society of New Zealand
Other Useful LinksThis website provides ideas, tools, and resources for helping people make the shift from 20th century to 21st century ways of thinking about learning. Search the New Zealand Educational Theses Database He Kete Matauranga Te Kete Ipurangi - the online knowledge basket - is New Zealand's bilingual education portal and is an initiative of the Ministry of Education. |
The Australian Council for Educational Research is committed to creating and distributing research-based knowledge, products and services to improve learning across the lifespan in both formal and informal settings Teaching & Learning Research Programme (UK) AERA - American Educational Research Association Other Funding SourcesMargaret M Blackwell Travel fellowshipThe trustees of the Margaret May Blackwell fellowship have made available a travel study fellowship for those involved in early childhood education. The Beeby Fellowship is a joint initiative between the New Zealand Council for Educational Research and the National Commission for UNESCO. It is an annual award designed to give a person actively involved in an innovative programme which will enhance classroom practice and students' learning, the time and research support to document, analyse, and write a resource about it. The focus is on innovations which will enhance classroom practice and students' learning. |