Tertiary (Post Sector) review 2011
Associate Professor Dr Nick Zepke and Dr Linda Leach of Massey University were commissioned to review the TLRI projects that were carried out in the tertiary sector. A symposium was held to look at the knowledge that has been generated, how it has been used and where the gaps and next priorities lie. A response was made to their paper from Ako Aotearoa. A summary of the discussion at the symposium is also available.
Associate Professor Nick Zepke and Dr Linda Leach are with the School of Educational studies, College of Education, Massey University.
Zepke, N., and Leach, L. (2011) The contribution of the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative to building knowledge about teaching and learning: A review of tertiary sector projects 2003–2011. Teaching Learning and Research Initiative,Wellington - pdf - 387.85 KB
Huntington, N. (2011) Reflections on ‘The Contribution of the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative’ Ako Aotearoa: The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. - pdf - 100.42 KB
TLRI tertiary symposium-a summary - pdf - 74.01 KB