All projects

Authorsort descending Title Year
Keryn Davis and Ruta McKenzie Nurturing and encouraging young children’s identity, language and culture in the early years 2017
Dr Markus Luczak-Roesch and Dr Dayle Anderson Citizen Scientists in the Classroom: Investigating the Role of Online Citizen Science in Primary School Science Education 2019
Dr Aaron Wilson Talking about text: Changing patterns of discourse in low-decile secondary classrooms 2017
Dr Airini Success for all: improving Maori and Pasifika student success in degree-level studies 2009
Dr Vivienne Anderson Refugee-background students in Aotearoa: Supporting successful secondary to tertiary education transitions 2023
Dr Vanessa Andreotti Shifting the conceptualisation of knowledge and learning in the integration of the new New Zealand curriculum in initial and continuing teacher education 2012
Associate Professor Glenda Anthony Numeracy Practices and Change 2006
Glenda Anthony Mathematics classrooms: Explorations into the teaching/learning nexus 2009
Professor Glenda Anthony Learning the work of ambitious mathematics teaching 2015
Glenda Anthony and Ruth Kane The role of initial teacher education and beginning-teacher induction in the preparation and retention of New Zealand secondary teachers 2007
Associate Professor Bill Barton Mathematics Enhancement Project: professional development research 2006
Bill Barton Capturing learning in undergraduate mathematics 2016
Bill Barton Teachers learning mathematics: professional development research 2008
Dr Amanda Bateman Literacy and narrative in the early years: Zooming in and zooming out 2017
Dr Amanda Bateman Pedagogical intersubjectivity: Teaching and learning conversations between children and teachers 2013
Assoc. Professor Brenda Bicknell & Assoc. Professor Jenny Young-Loveridge Using multiplication and division contexts to enhance young children’s part-whole thinking in mathematics 2015
Dr Sally Birdsall Nurturing secondary students’ hope and agency: Educating to live in a climate-impacted world 2023
Jan Bolton and Dr Joanna Higgins Arts e-learning and the online specialist teacher: Increasing opportunities for quality student outcomes 2011
Linda Bonne Teachers developing as researchers: teachers investigate their use of questions in mathematics 2007
Associate Professor Roseanna Bourke, Massey University and Professor John O'Neill, Massey University The impact of children’s everyday learning on teaching and learning in classrooms and across schools 2018
Ruth Boyask “Write-on!”: Investigations into relationships between teacher learning and student achievement through writing 2007
Dr Margaret Brennan and Liz Everiss Field-based early childhood teacher education:"But are they already teachers.." 2011
Tony Brown Pasifika teachers in secondary education: Issues, possibilities and strategies 2006
Dr Mike Brown Developing a place-based approach to outdoor education in Aotearoa/New Zealand 2012
Dr Stephanie Budgett and Maxine Pfannkuch Visualising chance: Learning probability through Modelling 2016
